Napping today…… unlikely!

At 4am, finally tired enough to sleep through the music and speeches, I sleep. The crashing sound of the loudest music yet wakes me up at 6am and I know there is no going back to sleep. A bucket bath later, Mandaba and I head out to get more blood work in hopes of finding out what caused the convulsions. His tongue is so swollen, it is hard to understand him and I find myself saying, "excuse me?" more and more often and I try hard to find words around what sounds like drunken mumbling but which is caused by pain and discomfort. We exchange money on our way [...]


A night in Bangui

I should be in Gemena, Congo. Instead, I am in Bangui, Central African Républic. It is 1:28am and there is a zero possibility of me sleeping since a memorial service started at 11:30pm RIGHT outside my window and the singing is loud and off key. Prayers, speeches and music have not stopped, all happening under the UNHCR tarps that were erected throughout the day on one side of the road (mine) while family and friends sit on the other side of the road. The sitting area was constructed today, as well, with loud banging throughout the day, with truckloads of stone dumped in the late afternoon to create walking [...]


Giving Tuesday benefitting the American Foundation for Children with AIDS

This November 30th, The American Foundation for Children with AIDS will look to engage and promote charitable giving through the Giving Tuesday movement.  Matching gift programs Nearly 84% of donors are more likely to give if they know that their donations are being matched by their employers.  If you are not sure if your company offers matching gifts, you can search for them on Charity Navigator, or reach out to your human resources or charitable giving department. Recurring payments lead to bigger impact Today, consumers are getting more and more comfortable with subscriptions and recurring payments. Promoting this kind of giving really increases the impact an individual person can [...]


World AIDS Day, 2021

This December 1st, we commemorate the global response to the AIDS epidemic, and remember the 25 million we have lost to this devastating illness. This year also marks 40 years since the first diagnosis. In a world where we now fight Covid-19, we must not move on and forget those still impacted and marginalized by the AIDS epidemic. It’s easy to see that Covid has sent shockwaves of impact in all of our lives. Socio-economically, mentally, physically, there has not been any areas of life spared by its crippling reach. Covid’s impact has also created layers of suffering in communities that continue to be affected and impacted with AIDS [...]


Decorating with fresh greenery for the holidays

When it comes to holiday decor, nothing beats the smell and look of fresh greenery. Not only do live decorations feel a little more special,they are also better for the environment, and in this case, good for the beneficiaries of The American Foundation for Children with AIDS’ beneficiaries. Lynch Creek Farms is gracious enough to offer AFCA a 15% donation with every wreath, centerpiece, garland, tree and swag sold on their website. That 15% goes directly to giving hope to those infected and affected by AIDS in our programs. Each order placed now will arrive in time for the holidays and is the perfect gift for the person that [...]


Newborn babies at Mercy Maternity Ward

Look who was born at the Mercy Maternity Ward in Mombasa, Kenya! 10 babies have been born since the dedication. Another 6 little ones have been admitted for care. We are off and running, folks! To each and everyone of you who made this possible...the seamstresses who made the quilts and diapers, the people who put layette and maternity packs together, to the people who donated cash, to those who donated sheets and medical beds and surgery kits and birthing tables, to all who prayed and encouraged, to those who packed supplies, and to everyone who had a simple or complicated thing to do with this dream - THANK YOU. [...]


What is a garden?

For many in AFCAids programs, it is not only a source of nutrition but also a source of funds that pay for school fees, medicine, and clothes. I have learned to look at a piece of kale or a tomatoes or an onion as something so powerful - for bodies and for emotional well-being as there is nothing better than knowing you are providing for your family. Check out these beds from Restoringhopes Ministry - even in drought, they are growing veggies for an orphanage, a group of grannies and many families. #DoGood #BeKind


In loving memory…..

Today I should be on my way to Mombasa, Kenya, dedicating the Mercy Maternity Ward on Saturday in honor of mom and the third floor of the hospital (administration, general surgery) in honor of dad. Instead, I am on my way home from Africa due to an issue with my Kenyan visa - bad website that would not accept payment for my visa for days, no matter how hard we tried, from two different continents. The embassy didn't help, either, despite repeated calls. I am currently in London, waiting for my last flight home and my heart is crushed. The honor of dedicating the hospital falls on someone else and [...]



Wrinkled and old, with a beautiful linen headcover, my seatmate on my flight from Ethiopia is blind in one eye. She needs help putting her bag in the upper bin, as do I, due to wearing a sling. A third woman comes over with purpose and a huge smile, cheerfully helping us both before putting her own things away. Kindness. At some point, I get up to stretch and while trying to buckle myself back in, an aged, hennaed hand reaches out and buckles me in. She reaches around my back and straightens my t-shirt, making sure it is comfortable. I take her hand with my good one and squeeze [...]


Art Therapy

Here you can see Tanya doing some Art Therapy training for social workers and educators who work with children of war, abused children, street children, children traumatized by natural disasters, and children without a voice. It is an honor to work with these folks who give so much of themselves to help the littlest ones. #AFCAids #BeKind

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