The fresh looking lizard

. He, unlike me, does not need a bath.The air still feels heavy, even though the sun is starting its slow trek towards settling down for the day. It has been muggy, hot, humid, and downright disgusting all day and the four of us meeting on the veranda of the guesthouse keep guzzling water, sopping it up with napkins as it comes out our skin. I haven't used the restroom once today but I have had at least five liters of water. I feel sticky but I also feel happy knowing that it was a profitable day of reconnecting with staff, welcoming a new man onboard and planning for the [...]


Friendly faces at immigration

I see a friendly face at the DGM (immigration) office today. A man with a large smile and firm handshake welcomes me, asking how Juju and Aiden are. I show him a photo of the kids and he calls others over to check them out, explaining that he saw them when they were here in August. He sounds like a proud uncle and we immediately have this point of connection so that when I explain the situation in Kinshasa and how I need him to look at my passport to ensure everything is ok, he laughs and says that I am in the right place. He groans hearing about [...]


Ten things I learned today…

Ten things I learned today: 1. Rebar does not make a good curtain rod if you want to slide the curtain 2. Carrying a portable solar charger is the way to go. 3. It is possible to make an emergency cup of coffee with instant coffee, powdered milk and cold water! 4. Packing a million snacks is smart, especially when you don't have the opportunity to shop in-country 5. Holding on to sadness is damaging 6. Speaking multiple languages is the way to go - it opens doors, builds relationships, allows for independence and confidence, and gives you the world from which to learn 7. Colorful flowers brighten my [...]


Never a dull moment!

Always something exciting happening here!15 people were just removed from the plane from Kinshasa to Gemena. No explanations have been given to those of us who are waiting to take off...just hand picked people asked to get off after some drama. I am so curious to find out what is happening!I see angry hands and bodies outside the plane, with plenty of airport security surrounding them. Tickets are waving in the air and even though I can't hear the voices, I feel they are loud and angry, other than the one super-confused-looking lady, who just looks lost.UPDATE: Three people got on the flight and were late, so they were no [...]


Instant Oatmeal and Coffee

Gosh! What a decent, albeit short, night of sleep can do! I laid awake in my comfy bed forever, thanks to the time difference between countries, thankful for a clean place to lay my head, as that has not always been the case. I have memories, here in Kinshasa, of cockroaches walking over me as I tried sleeping on a pillow made of my jeans and Tshirt because the hotel pillow stank of sweat and a million hours of body odor. So, a clean place is always, ALWAYS something to be grateful for One day, long ago, an anonymous person commented on a blog I wrote, saying, "Tanya spends #AFCAids [...]


Congo: Take 2

I am so excited to have four seats across and I make plans in my head to sleep the entire second leg of my journey...a solid chunk of time from Brussels to Kinshasa. I look down to take off my sneakers and when I straighten, I see that someone has moved and has claimed two of MY FOUR seats!! He sits on the far seat and plunks the biggest bag of foil wrapped sandwiches in the seat next to him. As the hours tick by, he makes his way through the bag, bit by bit. I nap for a bit, watch three movies, read, listen to music, and play [...]


This podcast is a potentially terrible idea…. or is it?

Listen on: AnchorFM / Spotify / iTunes Podcast Homepage Tanya Weaver, our Executive Director joins Jen Panattoni, Marketing Director to chat about how AFCA is build on the faith in people to create positive change in the world. Welcome listeners to the American Foundation for Children with AIDS Podcast where we discuss potentially terrible ideas turned terrific ones. This Podcast is a potential terrible idea, but we are hoping that you find our stories and conversations interesting enough to want to learn more about AFCA's work and how you can get involved! We're spreading hope, and we hope you will join us. We're also completely new [...]


Why creating a monthly giving plan is a good idea

It’s a new year, and a time to pause and set goals for the year ahead. The last two years have really given us a time to think about what really matters in our lives and what we can do without. Part of your planning for the year should include sustained or monthly giving as a way to measure your impact, as well as making a gifting plan for tax planning purposes. Making a personal plan for giving includes asking yourself some questions: Why do you want to give? What do you want to give? How do you want to give? Putting some thought into your plan will assure that [...]


11 random things I have seen these days

1. A parade of pickup trucks and motorcycles, beeping their horns as they make their way through town. All the women are decked out in green dresses and fancy hair styles. Men are dressed in matching suits and children are in white. Most are gripping balloons and shouting while others clap and whistle. It is a wedding party celebrating like they are welcoming the New Year. 2. The battle of "Little Drummer Boy" vs "Living On A Prayer". Both at full volume right outside the cafe where I get my first cup of coffee in six days. It is the BEST coffee and I am enjoying every sip of [...]


Food…..they are destroying this service for food

Food. It is food that brings the service to a screeching halt. What sounds like two people arguing quickly escalates, prompting me to leave the ridiculously difficult puzzle I found in the guest house to peek through the wooden blinds in order to see what is causing the ruckus. People are yelling at each other on the far end of the sitting area, shaking fists and pointing at each other. A group moves across the courtyard, pointing at man and yelling at him, backing him all the way to the side wall. He rallies and yells back, shouting loudly. I don't understand Sango, but I have a feeling I know [...]

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