How much longer to arrive at Gemena?

I sit at a guesthouse in Zongo, waiting for Mandaba to hire taxis that will take us to Gemena for a week of work with AFCA staff there. This place is familiar to me, having done lots of waiting in the past, even though I have yet to sleep here. It is safe and quiet behind the gate, so I lean back in the wooden chair and settle in for however long this process will take today. Jetlag graciously allowed for three hours of sleep last night, so I plan on doing some snoozing while I wait.Before sleep even thinks of arriving, the gate swings open and two motorcycles slip [...]



We have finally crossed the river to Zongo, DRCongo! It is so, so hot and humid right now and the sun is shining very brightly. You know what is hard to get here? Sunscreen! This girl has hers packed in a box...yes, the box that didn't arrive with the rest of my luggage. How three identical plastic totes got separated between Paris and Bangui, I will never know. But, for the first time in all the years I have been coming to this corner of the world, a piece of luggage has gone missing (hopefully, temporarily). We are sitting at customs by the So go River on the DRCongo side [...]


The adventure begins….

The adventure way to Africa for the summer. Made it to the check-in counter to be faced by three gentlemen who all say I do not have a ticket from France to Central African Republic. "Interesting", I say, as I present them with my printed ticket. Surely, SURELY, I can have one trip with no negatives along the way, right? Currently, I am waiting for someone to help me, as all three men suddenly are busy with other things. Am hoping one of them will return with good news! UPDATE: an hour and a half later, I am told that yes! I have ticket and yes! I have [...]


How Gardens improve the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS

Gardens are a lifeline for those living with AIDS in the D.R. Congo, providing them with vital resources and hope. The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) has found that supporting sustainable gardens is an effective way to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty who have been infected or affected by HIV/AIDS Here are 7 ways gardens help create livelihoods and choices for those living with AIDS in D.R Congo: Gardens provide a sustainable source of nutrition, which is critical for people living with HIV/AIDS who have weakened immune systems or limited access to foods that are rich in nutrients. Gardens offer an opportunity for [...]


Made in Zimbabwe: Brands we’ve tried and love

Zimbabwe is home to some great food brands that are perfect for the adventurous eater. We've tried them all and we're loving them! Here's a list of our favorites. From hot sauces to the best squishy white bread, these brands will make you want to get on the next flight to Harare. So go ahead and explore Zimbabwe through its food! You won't be disappointed! Here's a list of our top 10 must-try Zimbabwean brand snacks and treats. Sun Jam Sun Jam Sweet Orange Marmalade is a classic jam made with sweet oranges handpicked in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe. It is sweet and tangy and perfect for spreading [...]


Season 2: Episode 9: Tanya Preps for D.R. Congo

Listen on: AnchorFM / Spotify / iTunes Podcast Homepage Listen in this week as Tanya and Jen connect to talk about how Tanya preps to do program visits in the D.R. Congo. To learn more about how you can help children with AIDS and to learn more about the work of the American Foundation for Children with AIDS, please visit our website at


Gifts that give back

The American Foundation for Children with AIDS has a number of gifts perfect for those you love and care about this holiday season. We’ve put together a gift guide that gives back - gifts for teachers, gardeners, animals and earth lovers. give gifts that spark hope that changes the lives of children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. These gifts of kindness will be something that continues to give long into the future. Naming your honoree is easy and we handle the card! You just click to add any of our charitable packages to your cart, and we handle the rest! Don’t forget to name your honoree and include their [...]


A Special place called Morning Star

The Morning Star “off the grid” Homestead By Jen Panattoni Nestled in the bush of the Motobo region in Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe is a homestead called Morning Star. Part farm, community project hub, and camp, Morning Star operates without electricity from a grid. It is self-sustaining and through partnerships with various organizations, it continues to support the livelihoods of many people in the surrounding communities. The community work done from Morning Star was started by Chris and Norma Ferguson, both pillars in the community, whose attention and care for the local people, land and animals has spread far and wide. After many years of service, Chris and Norma found new [...]


Season 2: Episode 5: The Work of Summer

Listen on: AnchorFM / Spotify / iTunes Podcast Homepage This last summer brought a lot of joy, but with that joy also came a lot of hard work. AFCA and Executive Director, Tanya Weaver have been working away behind the scenes to expand on our program's impact to help build sustainable communities. Join us as we discuss the work that happened over the summer to continue to help children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.


Season 2: Episode 4: Poop Stories

Listen on: AnchorFM / Spotify / iTunesPodcast Homepage We all poop, and on this week's episodes, Jen and Tanya talk about the places they've pooped, the worst toilets they've come across, and how open defecation is a real problem for so many people. In the spirit of #WorldToiletDay, the two discuss the issues that stem from a lack of hygiene and sanitation, and what AFCA is doing to help 49 families infected and affected by AIDS gain access to safe and decent toilets. Spread the #LOOLOVE with us this #WorldToiletDay and support our hygiene and sanitation project. You can find more here: Donate to our #loolove [...]

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