The road towards the Central African Republic

We stop for breakfast a couple hours into our drive. The dirt road divides into three possible routes and before we take ours, it is time for coffee and something to fill our bellies, as we left early, not eating before we started our trek north to Central African Republic. We decide on fried plantains and munch on them as bees fly around us, wanting some of the sugar offered to coffee buyers. In front of me, a young woman peels and cuts green plantains, frying them in palm oil, her deep pan set on top of a small charcoal stove made of coiled metal rings. I like the cloth [...]


Finding Nemo with bags of seeds!

We arrive tired, sweaty and covered in dust, yet, the smiles, waves and sounds of jubilation that greet us makes me forget the long, bumpy ride. Instead, I find myself searching faces of people I saw last year, dear people living in such absolute poverty, it is hard to comprehend. They usher us into the old chief's compound, a huddle of five huts and a small house. The old outdoor toilet has been replaced, I notice thankfully, but vow not to drink unless I absolutely need to. My kidneys will feel the brunt of my aversion to this type of latrine, I am afraid, but one day won't be so [...]


Relearning patience

Awake throughout the night with bad dreams, I am toast today. Breakfast at 5:45am. Packed by 6:15. Now, at 9:28, I am still waiting to leave for another site visit. The waiting is just so hard for me and every time, every single time, I have to relearn patience. I would like it to come naturally to me, but it doesn't, not when I know the full schedule we have and the bad roads we are about to face. So bad, in fact, are these roads, that we are taking another bike and driver with us. Sigh....the waiting continues...


Water break with cute kids!

We stopped on the side of the road for yet another water and sun screen break. These kids brought out chairs for us and let me take their photo with Mathurin Mandaba Kosse . Such cuties!


Back in the land of Lingala

The black clouds chase us the last 10 minutes of our drive into Gemena, the oppressive heat broken by sudden gusts of cool wind. We can't rush too much as the constant jarring from holes leaves my shoulder feeling painful and raw, but we keep an eye on those clouds. Arriving home, we quickly unpack the bike and stand in awe of the lightning and thunder that rolls towards Bebe, Mandaba and me, followed by thick, heavy drops of rain. The smell changes completely. Dirt settles. Trees sway. We wear flip flops so we don't get electrocuted and I am told a shower now is out of the question. Layers [...]


Bathing in the middle of the road

The roads during rainy season are something else. Here's some shots from our ride from Gemena to Tandala, where we are conducting site visits. Never have I seen a puddle in the middle of the road become a bathing area! We hope it doesn't rain tonight or the ride back tomorrow could be difficult.


Zongo and keys

We arrive at the guest house which is housing my two totes in Zongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mandaba brought them over the border yesterday so that we could place them in a truck bound to Gemena this morning, cutting down the number of things to do, as we want to get to Gemena before dark. We make it over the border as early as possible, after two hours of: customs, a made-up cost to allow Mandaba to return to his own country, delivered by an angry woman who, I swear, just needs a good hot breakfast and a cup of coffee, covid test results minutely and VERY slowly [...]


A Beautiful Dance of Movement

June 1, 2021 - Central African Republic The breeze rustles the thatch roof of the restaurant on stilts on which I sit, wafting the river smell my way. A combination of fish, water, and garbage make a strong odor, inching its way to where I sit sipping a bottle of water. Across the river is Zongo, our port of entry into the Democratic Republic of the congo. Pirogues (dug out canoes) are gently pushed down river as fishermen change spots in search of fish. Others sit in the center of the river, dredging the bottom for sand. Two pirogues sit still in the very middle, directly in front of me, [...]


Why we do what we do – Alice at the tailoring shop

Alice is a 16 year old child who lives in Western Kenya. Young and orphaned is hard enough - having to scrape together a living while trying to stay safe from predators who know you are alone. Thankfully, Alice had a sponsor from another organization who was paying for some school fees and needs, which was helping her Immensely.  One day, as Alice was making her way home, she was raped by a taxi driver and the rape resulted in pregnancy. When the sponsor found out about the pregnancy, they immediately dropped their financial support, leaving the girl in an even more desperate situation. Raped, pregnant, orphaned, and now with [...]


Giving Connected

Tanya, AFCA's Executive Director talks with Giving Connected in a podcast. Click on the link below to listen to Tanya! The podcast is also available on Spotify and Amazon Music

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