20 Nov 2017


The end of the year is days away and I find myself reflecting on the past year. The American Foundation for Children with AIDS, with the help of many generous people like you, has helped thousands of children in 2011. Here are just a few of the things we’ve accomplished in 2011. Over five million doses of antibiotics were provisioned to PIDC, our partner in Uganda that serves children with HIV/AIDS through its network of a hospital and 75 clinics. Fifty-two beautiful girls with HIV/AIDS are receiving love and medical care from a caring staff at St. Therese’s orphanage in Kenya and AFCA has provided nutritional support to them during [...]

20 Nov 2017


As some of you may know, I am currently in Ghana doing a semester study abroad at the University of Ghana. I just wanted to share some of my experiences in Africa so far. I’ve been here for about 2 months now but it feels like so much longer (in a good way!). Everything starts early and ends early. The sun rises around 6am and sets by 6pm. I constantly talk about my “Ghana bedtime”. In college in United States, it would not be acceptable to go to bed by 10pm every night but here, it’s normal. And you’ve “slept in” if you manage to stay asleep until 8 or [...]

1 Jan 2017


Now in its 13th year, we have expanded to include: a. Livelihood programs (gardens and livestock), b. Provision of medicine to fight opportunistic infections c. Medical supplies and equipment to hospitals and clinics d. Trainings for doctors, midwives and nurses e. Send volunteer teams to help clinics and programs f. Provision of antiretroviral medicine to specific programs g. Nutritional support h. Provision of testing kits i. Funding and management of sustainable projects to help families break out of poverty j. Funding and management of sustainable projects that allow children to remain in school k. Funding and management of sustainable projects that allow partners to become self-sufficient Fighting the AIDS pandemic [...]

15 Aug 2016

Understanding community complexities

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11 Aug 2016

Impacting change in Delhi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate.

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