20 Nov 2017


October 5, 2012 - from the desk of the ED - I sit at my desk, trying to concentrate, although I’d rather be sleeping. It is wet, rainy and grey outside and that, to me, is the best napping weather. But, I struggle to stay focused and on task with a cup of mint tea by my side. I find my mind wandering to our friends in countries where the lack of rain is a huge problem, killing livestock and gardens. I pray for them, that they will see rain soon and that the rain will help blanket their land with green and with vegetables and fruit. I hear the [...]

20 Nov 2017


There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the origins of HIV. Where did it come from? How did it enter the human population? Why has HIV/AIDS surfaced in humans only within the last 30 years? And why is Africa so disproportionately affected? I have heard the racist claim, put forth only partly as a joke, that HIV first entered the human population through sex with chimpanzees in Africa. I have also heard the declaration, not at all a joke, that the US government intentionally developed HIV as a biological weapon, intending to wipe out homosexuals and control black population growth. There is much misunderstanding and unjustified speculation where the origins of [...]

20 Nov 2017


July 25, 2012 - Mayeze, Mapane, and somewhere or the other, Zimbabwe Today we distribute veterinary kits to communities where para-vets have been trained and where orphaned families have also learned about husbandry and basic veterinary skills. Q reviews what is in each kit and it is plain to see the pride in the faces of the coordinators who receive the homemade, wooden kits. AFCA provides these kits to the communities with refills for the first year of a program.  As families earn money from the sales of milk, manure and veggies from gardens, the community must cover the costs for the refilling of kits after the first year. Just last [...]

20 Nov 2017


August 4, 2012 – Bulawayo, Zimbabwe I peek through the door which divides customs at the airport from the waiting area and I spy my friend Lisa who is visiting us for a few days.  My heart is happy as I know that Lisa will get to see the work AFCA does first-hand and that she will enjoy her time here. Like Jodi, she is easy going, ready to do anything and to eat anything.  It will be a nice stay, I am sure. We have so much to do in the next few days! August 5, 2012 – Matopos, Zimbabwe   After church, we pack up a picnic lunch [...]

20 Nov 2017


Having just returned from a mission trip to Central America, I realize now more than ever that Americans are the sole occupants of a large and shiny social bubble. If you’ll pardon the generalization, I’d say our concerns can sometimes be pretty narrow, limited to ourselves and more significantly our group, i.e. Americans. We buy glossy electronics for our children and friends. We fret that our upper and middle classes may have money unduly taxed away from them. We relegate to the back of our minds children and families around the world who struggle to survive and sometimes fail to. A quick disclaimer—I’m not writing this blog entry to harp [...]

20 Nov 2017


August 1, 2012 - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Last week we were given a bag of Mopani worms because we were curious about them. I'd heard that they are quite delicious and that they are easy to prepare and full of protein and everything that is good. While I wasn't about to go running to pick them off the Mopani tree, I wasn't put off by the bag of worms we received. The worms came to us dried up and shriveled in a plastic bag. I ask Q what in the world to do with them since he is quite the fan of the "little fellows", as he calls them. He asked [...]

20 Nov 2017


Dear friends, Voting starts on August 1! One of the photos taken by the American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) has been selected as a finalist in a contest hosted by Global Giving! Here is the link where you will vote:http://www.globalgiving.org/poll/vote/?pollOptionId=21.  I took this photo while in Zimbabwe during a goat distribution to grandmothers who are raising AIDS orphans. The photo which receives the most votes by noon on August 15th will win $1000 for the organization, plus, $3000 from matching grants, AND it will be highlighted on the Global Giving home page, which opens us up to many more donations.  Voting starts at noon on August 1, so we please be ready to vote [...]

20 Nov 2017


Aiden says "I even painted my arm pits!" Juju getting her braids taken out Last week was splendid!  We went on a family vacation and visited Hwange National Park for two nights and Victoria Falls for two nights.  It was so fun to drive off after packing a friend's truck (she is so brave to let two americans drive it, as it is a standard car, driven on the opposite side of the road) and to head out with no computers in tow. We pack food, blankets, towels, clothes, and huge smiles as we get in the truck and pull out of the Stambolie's house for the first non-working vacation [...]

20 Nov 2017


It is fairly easy to slip into the belief that because the virus that causes AIDS is transmitted through sexual relations, acquiring AIDS is primarily the result of choice. AIDS victims chose to engage in unnecessarily risky behavior. Sometimes, that’s true. Oftentimes, however, the factors contributing to that risky decision are much more complex than a disinterested observer might at first assume. For millions of HIV victims around the world, and for HIV+ women in particular, putting oneself at risk is anything but voluntary. Even if HIV were harmless, women’s lack of cultural power throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, where HIV+ population density is far higher than anywhere else in [...]

20 Nov 2017


For more than 30 million adults around the world, carrying HIV is an onerous burden. Maybe they know that inside them there is something lethal lying dormant, waiting—and maybe they don’t. But when HIV manifests as AIDS, half of these victims won’t have access to the proper treatment for it, and they will probably die. The economic, physical, and emotional strain of living with AIDS is incredibly wearing, and adults around the world suffer under that burden. But for a lot of unfair reasons, the plight of children with AIDS is worse. First of all, many of them are born straight into treatment. If the pregnant mother has not been [...]

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