21 Nov 2017


Bonus Challenge #4 starts today... The non-profit team that raises the most by September 17th at 12pm ET wins an extra $10,000 for their cause. And, Crowdrise has got a super great VIP ticket contest too. The non-profit team that wins the Bonus Challenge also gets the VIP Global Citizen Festival tickets. Amazing. So, if AFCA raises the most, we'll get $10k plus the VIP tickets which we'll raffle off to raise even more to help even more kids!. Start Fundraising Now Thank you! American Foundation for Children with AIDS Quick notes: Click Here for all the Bonus Challenge rules. Please also Click Here for all the Global Citizen Festival VIP [...]

21 Nov 2017


Bonus Challenge #3 starts today and this one's all about speed... The first non-profit team to raise $2500 from 10 unique donors by September 10th at 12pm ET wins an extra $10,000 for their cause. If a non-profit team raises at least $2500 from at least 10 donors on day one, the contest is over. So, you gotta act fast. And, everyone who raises at least $100 for your cause this week gets automatically entered to win 2 VIP tickets to see Stevie Wonder, Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys and John Mayer at the Global Citizen Festival. Donate Now Thank you! American Foundation for Children with AIDS Quick notes: A [...]

21 Nov 2017


As you know, we're competing in an amazing campaign called the #STARTARYOT Challenge sponsored by the news site, RYOT.org. We're out to win the grand prize of $75k. Plus, each week they're giving all participating Non-Profit Teams a chance to win a bonus $10,000. We're definitely out to win. As a crazy extra bonus, RYOT is also throwing in 2 VIP on-stage tickets to the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park featuring Stevie Wonder, Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys, and John Mayer. So amazing. All we have to do to be entered to win the $10,000 this week is get 25 unique donors to give to our Challenge campaign. And, all you have to do to be entered to win [...]

21 Nov 2017


We're part of an amazing campaign called the #STARTARYOT Challenge sponsored by RYOT.org, a revolutionary news site that gives every story a related action. RYOT is putting up a grand prize of $75,000 to the charity that raises the most money during a 5-week charity competition and we're going to be fundraising like mad to win. Plus, any charity that raises at least $1000 this week, will be entered to win an extra $10,000. Amazing, right? We gotta do this. And, as if that weren't enough, this week, RYOT is giving away 2 VIP on-stage tickets to the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park. The concert features Stevie Wonder, Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys, and John Mayer. The tickets [...]

21 Nov 2017


AFCA is participating in an online challenge called the #StartARYOT.   (RYOT* is a unique sort of on-line news organization with a social conscience)  RYOT will be making HUGE donations to the three charities who raise the most donations during their challenge - $75k for first place, $50k for second and $25k for third.  We sure would like to be one of the top three charities, andwe need your help in order for this to happen! So, want a chance to win some cool prizes while helping a very worthwhile organization at the same time??  Who wouldn’t?!?!  Well, here’s how to do it:   Start by making a donation of $10 at [...]

21 Nov 2017


By Betsy Dorsey, Warehouse Manager (volunteer) The American Foundation for Children with AIDS has a warehouse in Lebanon, PA, from where hundreds of volunteers sort, inventory, package and ship medical supplies and equipment to AFCA’s partners in various countries in Africa.  This Medical Supply Surplus program helps clinics and hospitals who would otherwise not have the sutures, needles, syringes, beds, wheelchairs, ultrasound machines, etc in order to care for their patients.  Thousands of patients benefit from these items!   Another benefit from our sending these items is that we are keeping good items out of the landfills. In order to truly meet needs, AFCA sends an inventory list to the hospitals [...]

21 Nov 2017


She is 15 years old and has a dream.  She dreams of continuing her education so that she can, one day, provide for her 3 younger siblings and her grandma.  She dreams of one day moving to the big city of Bulawayo so she can attend the university there and become a doctor.  She dreams of getting married one day and of becoming a mom. Not so long ago, Fatima dreamed of eating enough food and not going to bed hungry. While not all her dreams have come true yet, by all signs we see, Fatima will be able to accomplish some of the goals she's laid out before her [...]

21 Nov 2017


Last summer I was tremendously blessed to be able to see first hand what AFCA is all about. I spent 2 months with Tanya Weaver and her lovely family in Zimbabwe where I was able to work with the livestock program happening there. Not only was every dollar used wisely to benefit the children, but also every emotion. I watched as Tanya stayed up late at night to make sure she was doing all she could for these beautiful little people. When we would go to the sites to deliver the goats, I was always amazed with the gratitude the people had and how everyone knew Tanya and AFCA and would call her name and hug us saying " [...]

21 Nov 2017


This is to testify that American Foundation for Children with AIDS has partnered ZOE since 2005 reaching to the orphans in Zimbabwe directly through the churches in many areas of the nation and also through the clinics in those areas. When we requested Cotrimoxazole & Paracetamol (Tylenol) suspension and tablets for 1,000 Orphan Children infected by HIV and AIDS because there was a great shortage in the country, they supplied the same which were administered to the children who were being visited by church volunteers, working through the local doctors and clinics.  They also supply porridge for 1,000 families caring for orphans infected by HIV & AIDS, which first of [...]

21 Nov 2017


I have had the blessing and benefit of working with the American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) since 2009, and have seen great works come from this association. The heart of the mission of this wonderful organization is to care for children with HIV, and AIDS, and I have seen evidence that this is done in a timely, responsible, and loving manner. We have benefited from their generosity and their donations by the help they have given to us in Uganda, with the funding of education for doctors, nurses and midwives, and the distribution of school supplies. They have sent separate shipments of 3 containers of supplies to help [...]

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