9 Jul 2021

Volunteers making a difference

Before and after pictures of the matron's room at the Sandra Jones Centre. This is one of the things we did there and I just love how bright, cozy and nice the rooms look for the scared young girls who will be giving birth to their babies. It is a place where they learn how to be mamas, under the care of the matron.

3 Jul 2021

A Million Memories

Corn rowed hair, shaved eyebrows, climbing trees, eating mopani worms, drumming, playing, holding babies, painting, building, cleaning, laughing, sharing, and so much more was done by this group of monkeys and the rest of us (Eric, Hae, Jen and me). I can't wait to see them all again, as all but Juju and Aiden have left to return to their homes. What a joy to share AFCAids' work with them, as well as a million memories. Thanks to the parents who placed their trust in us!

29 Jun 2021

More memories on a Vacation with a Purpose to Zimbabwe

More memories made while in Zimbabwe on a Vacation with a Purpose – here are some photos from the Saturday spent on the farm, feeding the pigs, goats and sheep (part of AFCA’s livelihood’s program) as well as a day teaching how to play games, how to do martial arts and doing repairs to the matron's room.

27 Jun 2021

Play hard and laugh even harder

Sally and I arrive at the farm twenty minutes before the team and we discuss the #AFCAids goat multiplication center she houses for us. Each goat I see looks great...friendly, happy, healthy. It is good to see names I recognize and to see all the babies prancing around. Thando, the man who oversees the care of the goats, walks towards us and says that one goat, Goosie, has likely lost her baby before she gave birth. His face is calm, but he is concerned, so the three of us walk over to check her out. I stand back, watching Sally and Thando at work and observe how gently they handle [...]

23 Jun 2021

Greenhouses going up!

Yesterday's greenhouse photos with white clouds. Today's, with blue sky. All signs point to good weather tomorrow, with little wind, which means the plastic can be put in the massive structure. This is so exciting, as so many children will eat from the produce grown here! And, papaya trees are being covered for protection from the morning frost. If half the trees make it, i will call it a giant win, as they will produce thousands of fruits, full of vitamins and deliciousness. Grow, little trees. Grow!

21 Jun 2021

Making a difference – painting and digging

13 of us arrive ready to work so as soon as the tour of the orphanage is over, we break out into two teams - one painting and one building bar-b-q pits for children's homes. Everyone works hard and consistently, wanting to reach our goals by the end of the week. It is SO cold this morning and misery is evident in everyone's faces. I remind them that I told them that it would be cold and in one voice, I am told, "we didn't think it would be THIS cold"! Ha! One day volunteers will learn that I mean what I say! By lunchtime, though, the weather changes and [...]

18 Jun 2021

We got a lot done!!

What was the purpose of visiting Congo? Why all the crazy travel and excitement? Despite many days of travel to arrive to Gemena, DRCongo and then, the days of travel between sites, we got a lot done! Here are some examples of the things we did: Picked up donations sent from USA for our Congo programs, including all sorts of instruments for a youth education project Visited with two site supervisors to see how they are doing with their work and how the families under their care are faring. This falls under our Livelihood program: animals, gardens, lights, and water filters Delivered seeds for three hundred families Traveled to a [...]

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